
Saturday, November 20, 2010

I'll make you banana pancakes, pretend like it's the weekend...

Pancakes. This word alone has the power to draw sleepy roommates from their beds, calm the rage of a hungry five year old, and to bring back memories of late night runs to IHOP or family breakfasts in which mom would make pancakes shaped like Mickey Mouse.

I made pancakes this morning. Not banana pancakes as my title may suggest....I mostly just used that fabulous little number by Jack Johnson because I enjoy having catchy titles. I'll post about banana pancakes another time. By then maybe I will have thought of another clever pancake title.

Today, whole wheat pancakes. A lot of people don't like whole wheat pancakes because they tend to be reeeeeeeeeeally dense and quite chewy. Not these pancakes. Guaranteed, these will be the lightest, fluffiest whole wheat pancakes you've ever had the pleasure of sinking your teeth into. But be warned, they are quite filling. I eat like a pig and I get stuffed with 1 1/2 pancakes.

Whole Wheat Pancakes

1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
1/4 cup sugar
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp cinnamon
2 eggs
2 cups vanilla soymilk (If you don't know, I'm lactose intolerant. If you aren't, by all means use regular milk!)
1 tsp vanilla
1 1/2 TBS vegetable oil

1. Sift all of the dry ingredients into a medium sized bowl
2. Separate the egg yolks and whites. Put the yolks in the bowl with the dry ingredients, and put the whites in a separate bowl.
3. Whip the egg whites until medium peaks form.
4. Add the milk, oil, and vanilla to the dry ingredients and mix gently to combine.
5. Gently fold the egg whites into the batter

PANCAKE SECRET! The secret to getting perfectly round pancakes is to use a ladle to drop your batter into the pan. When you start to tip the ladle to let the batter run out, DO NOT MOVE IT FROM ITS POSITION. This will result in perfect pancakes. :)

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