
Sunday, March 28, 2010

Time Crunch

Hallelujah! I'm finally getting around to writing about my Baking and Pastry was only, what, a whole month ago?

Four hours. I was given four hours to make two dozen soft rolls in two shapes, 16 pate a choux in two shapes (I chose cream puffs and eclairs), 2 cups of creme Anglaise, a pie (chocolate cream), a dozen cookies, and a dozen muffins.

It was nerve racking to say the least. Chef Al was walking around, asking all of the students what they were doing, watching over our shoulders. He was watching me while I was piping the whipped cream on top of my pie and my hands started shaking. I imagine that must be what it feels like to compete.

Anyway, all of my stuff turned out well. My rolls were perfect, as was the creme Anglaise! The muffins were a little bit too salty....wooops. The pate a choux was done really well. My cookies were good, but they didn't turn out how I wanted them to. I wanted them to be soft and chewy, but I left them in the oven for a minute too long and they ended up crisp and sandy. So delicious, but not what I was going for. Bummer.

So here's my spread:

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jana,
    I love your blog!!! I love your love for food, well, I think I love your snobbery for good food :) I only wish that I could have been there to help you "enjoy" your fantastic final!!!


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