
Sunday, October 25, 2009

An apple a day....

I think concerning food, fall is one of my favorite seasons. The apples are ripe and practically raining out of the sky and all of the winter squash is finally ready for harvesting. It's chilly enough to break out the soup pot. Fall food is hearty and refreshing, the apples crisp, the squash sweet and tender, and all of the root vegetables crunchy and satisfying.

I'm thinking of all of this now because about 2 weeks ago, my friend Steven brought me a box of apples from his trees in Magna. I was terribly excited and promptly made a delicious apple cranberry crisp. Fast forward to now. Not only did Steven bring me another bag of apples, but we still had some left over! And to top that off, my roommates and I snagged the two extra bags of apples from our trip to Range Creek Canyon with the UVU Honors Program this weekend. We're drowning in a sea of apples! So today I made a pie with apples and deliciously sweet and tart pomegranate arils, apple turnovers, and homemade applesauce (no sugar added! Just apple puree, water, and cinnamon and allspice! Healthy AND delicious!).

And that's just the beginning of the fall deliciousness that has decided to grace my apartment.

My roommates grandparents have given us lovely acorn squashes, beets, and kohlrabi. My mother sent me back up here to school with a giant spaghetti squash and some delicious tomatoes.....basically we're produce millionaires. So thank you fall for providing us with this glorious bounty of healthful, wholesome and tasty food!!

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